Showin' some style on stage!

He can walk the walk, but can he talk the talk?

The Valentine's Day Rodeo Romeo! |

Bugsy showing some style on stage

Lookin' good!

Champagne celebration!

Dancefloor Divas!

Wild shirt, sir!

The lovely Lady Lush

Superbly stylish in Black & White

Stunning style and smile!

Here's a stylish Gent!

Lookin' good on stage

The 'Most Stylishly Dressed' winner!

Dino sez "Leopardskin & Black are comin' back"

Some more stylish outfits on display!

A couple of delightful Vegas Bunnies!

A happy Vegas Valentine's couple as they arrive on the night!

Having fun on the dance floor at Vegas

A very happy couple, armed with Elvis Dollars to gamble!

A very stylish & glamorous couple!

The smiles say it all!

Sophisticated & stylish - VERY Vegas!

Socialising in style at Vegas!

Mr & Mrs Missouri arrive in style

Trio of supremely stylish & utterly gorgeous gals!

A glamorous entrance for Misty Missouri

You can bet there's casino capers happening in The Stardust Lounge

The action is happenin' thataway!

Two delightfully stylish ladies in The Stardust Lounge

Arriving at Vegas

Stylish Gent!

You're always in the groove at Vegas!

Perfect pose!

Bugsy suddenly realises his pants are on fire!

Another lovely couple enjoying the Vegas Valentine party!

Socialising in style at Vegas

Another trio of stylish and smiling people

Dino 'Moody & Magnificent' Martini

Dance floor frenzy at Vegas!