Three wise-guys!

Stylish headgear!

Seema & Lee - dancin' the night away! |

Happy times on the dancefloor!

The smiles say it all!

Tim & Joe - taking a wee 'photo-break' from the sound &
lighting job!

Anna - the absolutely stunning lady in red!

Leopardskin Fez? Now that's a TOP hat!

Girls just wanna have fun at vegas!

Jack 'The Hat' & Bugsy Seagull

Three more stylish party-goers!

Showing real class & style at Vegas!

Two more happy gals with great outfits!

Super stylish & stunning smiles!

'Shell, Liz & Helen - obviously enjoying themselves...

Another couple of stylish swingers!

Bugsy and HB Radke clearly enjoying themselves!

The inaugural meeting of the uber-stylish "leopardskin Fez

Smiling swing-dancers!

Another happy couple at Vegas!

Ready for take-off!

The satin sailor & the gangster!

Maggie - looking SOOOO good!

Wild Card Kitty and two very stylish party-goers!

Drinking, chatting & mingling with the mob!

Casino action!

Wild Card Kitty & Smilin' Sam Jose

Three suspiciously happy people!

The fabulous 'Carmen Miranda' look!

John & Craig enjoying the night & the sights...

The Big 'G', with 'Lashes' Las Vegas

HB & The Jet City Swingers view of the dancefloor - PACKED!

'Lashes' Las Vegas, with Kylos The Jackal & 'The Chairman'

Happy in their hats!

More great grins!

Two of THE most stylish 'west-coast' Vegas fans came to the party!

Stylishly swingin' sisters!

Keep them ivories tinklin' for HB...

Craig McMurdo on-stage

The legendary HB Radke!

Two more lovely ladies at Vegas!

Kylos The Jackal in action on the dancefloor!

More smiles, and more action of the dancefloor!

Everyone's moovin' and groovin' on the floor at Vegas!

Guys & Gals, with all their pals...

The Vegas Showgirls were having a great time on stage too!

Some of the contenders for the 'Most Stylishly Dressed' competition!

And a few more 'Best Dressed' contenders...

Drinkin', dancin', and havin' a ball!

Two more glamorous gals, with The Big 'G' lookin' on...

Fabulous feathers!

He's the 'Most Stylishly Dressed" winner!

The highly eligible Wild Card Kitty...

Joe & Tim - posing for posterity!

Miss Amber Alabama

Misty Missourri

A flurry of feathers!

Senor Sam Jose, from the USA...

Sam Jose & 'Lashes Las Vegas

Pretty in pink!

Casino croupier takes his snap!