Peepers wearing 'cheaters'

Star-like and super-stylish

A pack of real sharp-cards, or are they just a pack of card-sharks?

If you wanna get ahead, get a hat!

A diamond dame!

Nikki Nevada, Carolina Corleone & Judy

Rick Hudson & Bugsy Seagull on stage

Carolina & Nikki

Ready to take a gamble?

Nikki Nevada on-stage

A lady with an 'Ace outfit'!

Havin' a great time in VEGAS!

VEGAS! - a hair-raising experience!

A coupla real cute kittens

Carlo the Jackal: Feztastically supercool!

Sarong-style, and a sweet smile

Carolina on stage

A couple of real stylish Dudes

Did she get lucky in the casino?

Elliot Ness at the bar in VEGAS!

Bugsy & the 'best dressed' winner

Monkeying-around - The Chairman & Nikki Nevada!

Havin' a swingin time at VEGAS!

Relaxin' in style, at VEGAS!

Who's this shady-lady?

Hold on to yer hat!