A jolly jack-tar's showgirl tattoo!

Looking very stylish - Mr and Mrs Missouri |

A stylish couple in black & red outfits!

Lighting engineer Alan - always happy! |

Casino capers at the blackjack table in The Stardust Casino

Remember these things? Microgroove long-playing vinyl records... |

More casino shenanagins at the roulette table!

The VEGAS! dancefloors was packed all night!

A trio of stylish gentlemen at VEGAS!

Felonious Monk and 'smilin' Sam Jose!

The VEGAS! Airlines crew get ready for the 'Elvis' flight to Memphis! |

Top quality tie, as modelled by the super-stylish Mr Felonious Monk

A visit to VEGAS! by cigar-lovin' Che!

'Lashes' Las Vegas and 'Jack-The-Hat'

Marilyn Monroe visits VEGAS!

The sailor-boy's other showgirl tattoo!

The ultra-glamorous VEGAS! Showgirls on stage

More gamblers in action at the roulette table

A couple of very stylish gals at VEGAS!

Bugsy & the VEGAS! Showgirls on stage

The VEGAS! dancefloor was packed with a very happy crowd!

Sound engineer Joe & Lewis enjoyed the night too!

Nice gloves, Jackie!

The ultra-classy Maggie & her gentleman officer!

More dancefloor action beside the main stage at VEGAS!
Dino's legendary lengthy and dubiously diabolical digit!

The VEGAS! Showgirls on stage with Frankie, Sam and Bugsy

Joe and Lewis relaxing for a moment!

The magnificent & highly entertaining Banjo Lounge Trio

Here's a VERY stylishly attired gent!

Sound engineer Tom at work

A cheeky wink from the lovely Helena Hawaii

VEGAS! gets the 'thumbs-up'

Here's proof that you simply can't lick Hogmanay at VEGAS!

Relaxing for a moment at the side of the main stage at VEGAS!

Bugsy Seagull, 'Jack-The-Hat', and 'Lashes' Las Vegas

One of the glamorous flight attendants & the Pilot of VEGAS!

'Jack-The Hat' has the champagne ready!

One of the 'best dressed' contenders

Two more competitiors for the prize

Another potential winner

Some of the VEGAS! Airlines crew were on stage too!

The line-up of the 'most stylishly dressed' competition contestants

The very stylish winners of 'the most stylishly dressed' competition

And the winners of the 'team prize' for the best dressed competition!

The VEGAS! Airlines flight attendants celebrate in style...

... and the winners celebrate with the legendary Dino Martini

Lewis and Bugsy take a break on the sofa at the side of the stage!

Happiness is Hogmanay at VEGAS!

Dino Martini lookin' fine in his leopardskin Fez and tuxedo

Music maestro Frankie Sumatra kept the crowd dancing all night long

VEGAS! Showgirl Miss Virginia Gemstone

VEGAS! Showgirl Miss Ruby Diamond

The glamorous Miss Ruby Diamond

Miss Judy Blue-Eyes on stage

The lovely Lolly St. Louis

'Smilin' Sam Jose on stage at VEGAS!

The mass 'knees-up' at the end of the night at VEGAS!

Rachel's smile says it all!

The faders are down and the Fez is off. Happy New Year from VEGAS!